For those who wish to install Viber for smartphone or telephone of another manufacturer, try use the internet browser on the telephone transfer our service. And after that you must choose manufacturer necessary telephone or smartphone, for which you wish to boot Viber and check its model. Later fulfill the operations which we described a little bit higher.
Our team not without the help of volunteers meticulously held testing of the messenger almost at all models of the telephones.
How install Viber on the handy Blackberry 7230/8820/A10 from your computer
Take into account that this variant will not be optimum for all. For "green hand" this can be tricky, because not everybody is friendly with computer, and many people will not have special cable.
So we advise trying the first way of the installation of Viber on the Blackberry 7230/8820/A10, and if you are sure here is our instruction in front of you:
I Plug your own handy to the laptop taking USB-cable;
II Download by the link above Viber for Blackberry 7230/8820/A10;
III Copy downloaded file on your own telephone (it's better to the flash drive);
IV Don't forget to disconnect telephone from computer;
V Restart your device (this procedure is not always necessary, but sometimes restarting is necessary);
VI Through file manager search on your own smartphone or telephone the file of the installation Viber and run the process of installation;
VII Follow helps during the installation of the messenger;
VIII When the process of the installation is ended, activate the application and try to make test call.
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