For those who want to boot Viber for the telephone of another manufacturer, you need with the help of the internet browser on your telephone drop in our portal. Then select manufacturer necessary mobile phone, for which you want to find Viber and check the model itself. Then you must repeat the same operations mentioned a little bit higher.
We together with the supporters attentively held testing of the program at all the models.
How install Viber on the Motorola Droid Ultra from your computer
You should take into consideration that this variant will not be easy for all. For somebody it will be difficult, because not everybody use computer well, and many people won't have special cable.So we can advise use the first way of the installation of Viber on the Motorola Droid Ultra, and if you know what you do here is good instruction in front of you:
1. Connect your own telephone to the computer using USB-cable;
2. Install from this site Viber for Motorola Droid Ultra;
3. Copy the file of the installation on your own handy (we advise to the auxiliary memory);
4. Don't forget to shut off mobile telephone from PC;
5. Restart your own device (it's not necessary to do, but it happens so without restarting the program won't start);
6. Using file manager you need to find on your smartphone or telephone the installation file Viber and run installation;
7. Follow requests during the installation of the application;
8. When the process of the installation is ended, start the program and make any call.
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